If you or someone you love has reached the age where assistance is needed to lead a normal, full and satisfying life, home care services may be the answer. With homecare services, people can continue to live at home where they are happiest, while receiving the help they need to sustain an independent lifestyle.
Homecare encompasses a wide variety of health-related services, provided in the home and designed to support an individual's highest possible quality of life.
Our home care services to you or your family member will depend upon your special needs. You can be sure that, once you have decided on home care, those care needs will be carefully assessed, and an individualized comprehensive Care Plan will be developed for you by one of our Professional Home Health Care, Inc. supervisors. Your plan will not only identify current needs, but anticipate future ones — linking with other needed community services and designed to respond flexibly as needs change.
Professional Home Health Care, Inc. is a leader in the development of innovative, comprehensive and flexible services designed to meet every potential homecare need. In addition, we are very competitive in our pricing, to allow you to obtain maximum service for your home care budget.
Professional Home Health Care, Inc. assures you that the services you receive are provided by a carefully screened and well-supervised staff. Our highly trained, dedicated home care professionals maintain high performance standards and are consistently monitored for adherence to those standards.
Our services, available to you 24 hours a day, seven days a week, will be designed to serve your particular needs with effectiveness and professionalism. Most important, we can assure you of the highest degree of individualized care. Over and over, our clients tell us that what makes Professional Home Health Care, Inc. different is the fact that we truly treat each person in our care as the unique and valued individual that he is.
Look for these common sign that your loved ones may be in need of assistance at home:
- Inadequate meals and nutrition
- Unopened or piled up bills
- Recurring memory lapses
- Frequent falls
- Lack of interest in life or "feeling down"
- Unsafe driving
- Marked change in normal behavior patterns
Professional Home Health Care's services may be paid for in three ways: Medicare or Medicaid, third-party insurance carrier, or private pay. A thorough Home Assessment, at no cost or obligation to you, can help you determine whether you qualify for free Medicare or Medicaid services or for third-party insurance coverage. An assessment will also help answer any questions you may have about the safety, practicality, or affordability of home health care.
Should you require services that must be paid for privately, Professional Home Health Care, Inc. will tell you the cost of a service before providing it, and clearly explain all of your rights as a patient. Those rights include being fully informed, in advance, about all services; being treated with respect and dignity; being assured of the right to refuse treatment; and being assured of the confidentiality of your treatment.
It is our mission to provide consistent excellence in service to you: excellence that makes a difference in quality of life for you and those you live.
"HOME CARE" is the delivery of direct healthcare related services in the home of the client. The first recorded program to provide services in the European homes began in Germany in 1892. This program proved to be a good idea and was copied in London in 1897. After World War II, the governments of European countries expanded the use of homecare services significantly. The International Council of Home Help Services was founded in Holland in 1959.
The history of homecare in America had its origins in nineteenth-century visiting nurses' associations, went through a time when professional homecare nearly disappeared in the mid-1960, and went on to the 1990s, when a new wave of homecare gathered force as physicians, hospital managers, and policy makers responded to economic mandates for more cost effective and personal care.
Home health care in America can be traced to the Boston Dispensary, which in 1796 provided care at home rather than in the hospital for the sick and the poor. At that time, hospitals were still considered to be pest houses where the poor went to die. The women's branch of the New York City mission was the first establishment in the United States in 1877 to hire a graduate nurse to provide nursing care for the sick in their homes. In 1885, the first voluntary group specifically organized to provide home nursing care was founded in Buffalo, New York. Other voluntary agencies began to provide services in Boston and Philadelphia in 1886. Gradually, the industry has grown to thousands of home care companies across America.